cPanel – Make Auto Reply Email Using Auto Responders

Auto Responders are a feature of cPanel that allows you to manage and send automated reply.

For example, you are on vacation out of town and was not allowed to respond to emails till arrive. With the help of Auto Responders, all incoming mail will be automatically returned with your defined reply,  so that the sender is not have to wait for your response.

  1. Please login to cPanel via URL .
  2. Find and select the option Auto Responders in Mail category .
  3. Click the Add Auto Responder to add a new auto responder.
  4. Select the format you want to use in from drop-down menu Character Set (generally use utf-8). Determine the life of his auto-responder form of numbers on the interval (in hours). Fill the mail account section Email and any name in the From and mail headings in the Subject .
  5. Enable the option This message contains HTML mail if the content contains HTML programming code. After that return mail content type in the text area Body and end with Clicking the  Create / Modify button when done.