Declares Love, Not War

Ever thought of as describing the email marketing campaigns? Did you listen to your customers to talk about ” mass email “and” mailings “? It sounds less like us by sending an email to our subscribers, and more as we declaring war!

If our clients and ourselves think about our email campaigns as “explosions”, we will be tempted to act in ways we would never do in a real conversation.

The more we see our audience as passive recipients of an email blast, less likely think what works best for them. Email is half so personal, that is a terrible loss send an email to everyone without any filtering or segmentation.

So what do we do?

Here two lines of action: stop using metaphors of war as “mailing” or “e-blast”.Encourage your customers to think about their email messages to start the conversation and updates. Sounds a little detail, but it can influence decision-making.

Makes your emails more personalized by using tools such as segmentation, analysis and custom fields. This helps you stop thinking about your readers as one mass, and start to see them as individuals.