Specific Directory With Password Protection

In cPanel, there is a security feature in which you can limit access to a directory, where the accessor will be requested username and password when visiting the directory in a web browser. This feature is called “Password Protect Directories”. Here are the steps to secure web directories you use the feature.

1. Log into your cpanel

2. Click on the “Password Protect Directories”

3. It will appear that lists the folders you can protect. In this example, we take the wp-admin folder (wordpress) that we will protect, click on the folder,

4. Check list “Password protect this directory” and gave information to the directory in protection, say we call the secret, and then click Save,

5. Create user is authorized to access that directory will be, in this example, username: admin password: admin, Then click add / modify user,

6. Test access to the directory we just protection. if successful, it will appear to fill the box username + password as shown below.