Yum Commands Print

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A few YUM commands you can use for SSH.


yum check-update - (Allows you to check to see if there is any updates available for your installed packages)

yum update - (Updates your server)

yum update -y - (Updates the server and answers yes to everything for download/install)

yum install httpd - (Installs apache)

yum install mlocate - (Installs the file locator) To run a search query use the command "locate filename.extension"

yum --help - (Brings the list of commands you can use in yum)

yum search [Keyword] - (This will search the database for the package you wish to find/install)


Yum list - (This will let you list packages in any repository enabled on your system or installed.)

Yum list updates - (This will list any obsoleting relationships between any available package and any installed package.)

Yum list all - (This will list all the packages available to you using yum)

Yum list installed - (This will list all packages you have installed using yum)


Yum info - (This displays more information about any package installed or available.)

Yum info mysql - (This will find out information on an installed package)

Yum clean all - (Clean all cached files from any enabled repository)


Yum remove [Keyword] - (Use to delete/remove a package)

Yum update [Keyword] - (Use to only update one package at a time)

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