
Changing Server Hostname To change your hostname, enter the following command as root: $ hostname... CloudLinux Dashboard Shows Ruby, Python, NodeJS Selector as uninstalled after installing those extensions Description    The passenger module for Apache is required for all of those extensions to work... How do I know what server I am on?   You can find out what server you are on using two different ways, each one revealing which... How to Generate a CSR for Microsoft IIS 10 The following instructions will guide you through the CSR generation process on Microsoft IIS 10.... How to Generate a CSR for Microsoft IIS 7 1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager Click Start, Control Panel, Administrative... How to Install a TLS/SSL Certificate In Microsoft IIS 10 The following instructions will guide you through the SSL installation process on Microsoft IIS... How to change cPanel/DirectAdmin control panel password through our client area Most of time our support team get tickets and calls from clients to change their cPanel or... How to change the MAC Address on CentOS 8 If you don’t want to expose your device MAC address while connecting to Public WIFI’s or maybe... I FORGOT MY PASSWORD! Do not worry, it's very easy to retrieve your password.If you need to change your password to the... Migrating Accounts to your server Most control panels have built in control panel to control panel migration tools that... cPanel: Unactive License File cPanel may spit out a "Unactive License File" error when new IP addresses or added or when your...
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