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Introduction The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available...
Want to secure your folders from users or bots? first open file manager with (Show Hidden Files...
Internal Server Error help, 500 error Internal server errors can be caused by a few different...
We receive lots of queries from our client saying that why i'm not being able to access my site....
Yes, we provide AWSTATS most of the servers of pamirwebhost [.com] and it is updated...
Web servers can host many different domains on one hosting account under Linux/Apache, and...
Why register nameservers? New nameservers need to be registered with your registrar before...
We use suPHP in all of our servers. This is the common reason why php_flag or php_value doesn't...
If you are coming to Pamir Web Host from another hosting company, you may be required to clear...
Switching to a new host can be a very smooth process or it can be very complicated....
Since register_globals is disabled on the servers for security purposes, some of your scripts...
The Problem We have seen this problem rarely with some of our customers. They CAN browse their...
Port 3306 can be used for remote MySQL connections. You will need to configure access in the...
The ProblemThis is a known issue with Joomla. When you install any Joomla components thru...
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